Word of Grace

Opening Our Hearts to Jesus Christ

Today begins a new year of grace. We are in Ordinary Time, with the festivities of Christmas and Epiphany already past.  I was recently contacted by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops concerning their planned Eucharistic Revival over the next few years. The Bishops have been most concerned about the reports, primarily from a study […]

Word of Grace

Why We Worship

In the Gloria at Mass, we sing: We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory. This declaration to God is equally an affirmation to ourselves of how much we need to worship God. Dostoyevsky once remarked that the whole law of human existence consists merely of making it possible for […]

Word of Grace

Why Does Jesus Come as a Baby?

Reason #1: Because Babies Do Not Judge       In coming to us, Jesus wants our first impression of him to be an impression of one who does not judge. We know our faults and failings. We’re well aware our unworthiness and guilt. It all can make us feel scared and put off about getting […]

Word of Grace

Advent Restoration

In the midst of Advent, we hear Jesus declare, Elijah will indeed come and restore all things. Jesus is referring to himself. His way has been prepared by the Old Testament prophet Elijah and the New Testament prophet John the Baptist so as to ready the world for a restoration that only the Incarnate Son […]