The Dominican Friars

St Patrick Priory, Columbus, Ohio


“Sharing the Apostles’ mission, we also follow their way of life, in the form devised by Saint Dominic. We do our best to live of one accord the common life, observing faithfully celebration of the liturgy, especially the Eucharist and the divine office, diligent in study, and constant in regular observance.”

From The Fundamental Constitution of the Order of Preachers

St. Patrick

Since 1885 the Dominican friars have staffed the Parish of St. Patrick Church.

Missionary Preaching

We help with preaching parish missions, priest retreats, men’s conferences, novenas, and other spiritual exercises throughout the United States.



A Dominican friar provides coverage for priests of the Diocese of Columbus who need to be away from their parishes due to sickness, retreat, vacation, etc.

Teaching at the Pontifical College Josephinum

We instruct theology at the major seminary here and on the college level.

  • Opening Our Hearts to Jesus Christ

    Today begins a new year of grace. We are in Ordinary Time, with the festivities of Christmas and Epiphany already past. 

    I was recently contacted by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops concerning their planned Eucharistic Revival over the next few years. The Bishops have been most concerned about the reports, primarily from a study by the Pew group a couple of years ago, concerning the lack of knowledge of the average Catholic of the authentic doctrine of the Holy Eucharist. Making this part of regular preaching is certainly something certainly towards which  we need to work. I do wonder, however, what kind of other preparation might be needed for those who don’t believe this teaching to receive it in the first place. 

     I think it is a fairly small thing to move from the truth that Jesus Christ, God made Man, the Word Incarnate through whom all things are made, the One who is behind all that is, who built the stars and the rest of the universe some less than dust, and the truth that he provides himself to us in the Blessed Sacrament as food, medicine  and presence.

    The more difficult thing for the modern mind, I think, is the acceptance of the truth that Jesus Christ is in fact God, the uncreated Reality beyond  the universe.   Most of us who have received a university education have been immersed in materialism and relativism, and yes, hatred of Christ and Christianity which is part of that experience, even at some Catholic colleges and universities.  The existence of God, and the reality of his Christ, is under constant challenge.

     My own meditation on this  focuses is on the creation scene in the first chapter of John’s gospel:  the juxtaposition of  the God’s Kingdom of Light with the Realm of darkness, the ancient Abyss discovered by the Light of God in the first lines of Genesis, the realm where the Ancient Serpent dwells, where those who are committed  to deeds of darkness run from the Light that shows them to be what they are. I have wondered if part of the problem from the materialist point of view is not only that one committed to darkness cannot see light,  but, being blind, cannot see the darkness either.  And so we have two sets of people all beloved of the God who summoned them into existence, living in two different universes side by side, a situation in which Light and Dark share only  and precisely the material creation.

    So perhaps the first order of business is not relying on human philosophy, or human wisdom at all. The Light that shines in the darkness is first of all the gift of the Father above, the Holy One of Israel.   The Scriptures call that Truth “Emet” ( אֶמֶת ) , and the sages  call it “the seal of the Holy One”.   This Truth is not to be  conceived as a set of intellectual solutions, but   the active and  loving commitment of the Creator to the creation he forms.  This  Truth is the origin of reality, and the promise of its persistence.   This Truth is a Person, as Christians know, “ Your Word is Truth” (Jn 17:17b).  It is the presence of the Word made flesh, this loving commitment which is the Divine Truth come to us,  shining in our lives, that sanctifies us for service to the Most High.  

    So the first thing to do, it would seem,  is to open our hearts and souls entirely to this Person, this Truth, this Jesus Christ. Let Him be our companion from day to day and moment to moment. Maybe we need to focus less on winning arguments and more in consecrating our hearts to the Truth in word and in deeds.  “Sanctify them in the Truth” (Jn 17:17a)

    This also suggests that  we need to  introduce our young people to real prayer and a commitment to holiness much earlier than we have been doing it. Parents need to be fully on board with the project of training their children to be saints. Families need to incarnate, day by day, the life of Holy Church in miniature.   If our lives are filled with this Light, we will bring that Light to the Darkness in our words but perhaps more importantly in our deeds.   If Christians are filled with  Christ’s light, it will accompany them wherever they go, and by the grace of God, bring  light and trutht to the lives of those who still “ dwell in the darkness and the shadow of death” (Lk 1:79).

    Fr. Stephen Dominic Hayes, OP

St. Patrick Priory


friars [at]

280 North Grant Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43215-2652

Dominican Province of Saint Joseph